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Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation is a specialized physical therapy approach that can provide pain management and restore continence of the bowel and bladder.   Hands-on techniques may include internal and external work such as soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, trigger point massage, and joint mobilization.  Manual therapy is often the missing link in overcoming dysfunction and when combined with EMG biofeedback for pelvic floor muscle training, patients learn the necessary strategies for managing their symptoms. â€‹

Image by Tim Mossholder


Urinary and bowel incontinence can be an inconvenient, embarrassing, and expensive problem.  

Stress incontinence presents as leakage that can occur with activities such as lifting, running sneezing or coughing,  Typically, stress incontinence responds well to pelvic floor muscle training.

​Urge incontinence occurs when an overwhelming urge to empty your bladder is not easily controlled, often resulting in frequent bathroom trips and/or leakage on the way to the restroom.  Bladder training and behavioral changes along with pelvic floor muscle training are effective treatments for urge incontinence.  

Often a bit of education, attention to muscle balance and function can be the key to staying dry.  Learn why you might still have leakage after years of standard Kegels at home.  Biofeedback is almost always utilized to help with the treatment of incontinence.  


Pre & Post Natal

Physical therapy can be beneficial for patients experiencing musculo-skeletal pain associated with pregnancy such as low back or pubic pain.   After delivery, PT can be an effective treatment for ongoing pain, urinary leakage, or painful intercourse.  Improving posture, pelvic alignment, body mechanics and core strength including deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, can often help you to resume normal function which is necessary to carry and care for your beautiful new bundle of joy!

Hands on Stomach

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain comes in many forms and no two patients have the same history or course of treatment.  From tailbone or vaginal pain to painful bladder symptoms, pelvic pain can interfere with intercourse, walking and daily activities.  A thorough evaluation is necessary to prescribe an individualized plan of care.  Assessment most often includes postural alignment, muscle, nerve and connective tissue mobility, pelvic floor muscle tension and coordination.  Biofeedback is often used to help improve the mind-body connection, learn what it feels like to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and allow for a return of neurological and muscular balance.

Interested in information regarding Healthy Bladder Habits?

Complete the form below to receive information regarding clinic news and promotions and a FREE informational page regarding tips and information to keep your bladder healthy. 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Prolapse occurs in about 1 of 3 women, and is usually detected as a feeling of heaviness or pressure in the pelvis that worsens toward the end of the day.  Prolapse is like a hernia or a weakening of the vaginal wall that allows the organs (bladder, uterus, or rectum) to bulge into the vaginal space, occasionally protruding from the vagina.

Physical therapy can help reduce the symptoms associated with prolapse, but does not reverse the defect.  When surgery is necessary, PT can help support positive outcomes by providing lifestyle interventions to reduce abdominal pressures, improve strength, endurance and support throughout the pelvic floor muscles.  

PT is an effective option for those who have mild prolapse, are wishing to have more children, or are too frail or unwilling to undergo surgery.

Liquid Drop

Post Prostatectomy

Often men experience diminished bladder control following removal of the prostate.  Physical therapy can be beneficial to help achieve functional use of the pelvic floor muscles which, along with bladder training strategies, can help regain continence.  Biofeedback and electric stimulation can be effective in patients who also exhibit symptoms of an overactive bladder.  PT can help you get back into the swing of life! 




Biofeedback &
Realtime Ultrasound

Biofeedback and Ultrasound are adjunct to physical therapy and a home exercise program.  The goal is to provide visual and/or auditory feedback to help train the muscles of the pelvic floor.  We utilize different forms of biofeedback including ultrasound, electromyography, and simple pressure measurements. All techniques are intended to provide information about the activity of the muscles of the pelvic region.  Learning subtle control of the pelvic floor muscles can often make an overwhelming bladder urge subside. Tight pelvic floor muscles often resist relaxation, but visual feedback can help guide the patient to identify effective relaxation strategies.  In contrast, some struggle with weakness and proper isolation of the pelvic floor muscles.  Biofeedback can help confirm when a proper contraction is performed, thus improving muscle function.


 EMG Biofeedback

We ARE a Medicare Provider. 

Traditional Fee Structure

Allows you to commit to one visit at a time and progress through therapy at your own pace.

$225 Evaluation

$175 Follow up visit

Depending on your insurance plan, you may be able to submit for reimbursement. We will prepare all of the necessary paperwork for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.  Though some insurances do deny reimbursement, other plans have reimbursed up to 80%.  We recommend that you check with your insurance company prior to starting PT to review their policies on receiving reimbursement when you have paid out-of-pocket for an out-of-network provider.

PT Package: Plan for Success

This plan allows for a discounted course of treatment when you commit to a plan of care developed by you and your Physical Therapist.  Our number one goal is for you to regain function or achieve pain management so that you can participate in the activities you enjoy.  We offer a deep discount to encourage you to follow through with your rehabilitation plan.  A typical course of treatment includes an evaluation plus 6 follow up visits.  Any additional visits beyond the package are locked in at the discounted rate.


*$225 Evaluation not included in package

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